Blood, Fish & Bone Meal – All Purpose Plant Fertiliser
£6.90 – £39.00
10% OFF
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- Use 70g per m2 (e.g. 10m2 = 700g)
- Apply every 6 weeks as part of an ongoing feeding programme on all flower beds
- Can be used on all plants throughout the growing season
- Use approximately 4-6 weeks after applying our Bonemeal Plant Fertiliser at the start of the season and then every 6-8 weeks thereafter
- Use alongside liquid seaweed applications for keeping plants healthy all Summer

200m2 (£10) Liquid Seaweed when you buy 1.4KG or more of Blood, Fish & Bone
A superb 100% organic alternative to Growmore. Blood, Fish and Bone will help your plants thrive by providing just the right amount of nutrients during the growing season. Apply every 6 weeks as a general fertiliser as part of your organic feeding programme.
When to use Blood, Fish & Bone Meal
Blood, Fish & Bone is the best 100% organic general fertiliser you can buy. It’s designed for use during the growing season. It’s recommended to apply every 6-8 weeks during the growing season
When not to use
Its not recommended to feed plants outside of the growing season. The main reason for this is because they can’t absorb nutrients and so the product will eventually be washed out of the soil completely but not used by the plants.
How much Blood, Fish & Bone to use
TO avoid over feeding, it’s important to stick to the recommended application rates. As such, we recommend using around 70g per m2. You can apply less than this if you wish but don’t go over the optimum application rate.
How to apply Blood, Fish & Bone
Our products come with full instructions on the back of the packet on exactly how to apply.
- Apply on all flower beds between March & September
- Measure out the correct area of the soil
- Weigh accordingly to apply 70g per m2 Apply by hand or straight from the bag onto the soil
- Rake and dig well into the soil around the plants and flowers
- Water in once applied if no rain is due
Can you apply Blood, Fish & Bone on your lawn?
This product isn’t specifically designed for lawns. The main reason is because it’s more susceptible to scorching the grass. You’re better to choose one of our Lawn Feeds for applying on the grass. We have organic lawn feed products for every season.
Do you need large amounts of product with fast delivery? If you’re covering over 700m2, you may qualify for our special discounts. Simply get in touch using the form below and we’ll give you a quote.
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